DeadRealm75 – T.U.S: Life Will Continue Without You – A few extra words.

Book Cover - The Unknown, Stories

Author: DeadRealm75 (DeadRealm (@DeadRealm75) - Wattpad)

Status: Ongoing.
Target Audience: New Adult (18-25 years of age).
Rating: Mature.
Available languages: English.


animal, anthropomorphic, boyxboy, bxb, fantasy, fox, frederik, furry, furryxhuman, gay, gayfurry, gayhuman, gaylove, homosexual, lgbt, love, mate, maxwell, riku, romance, soulmate, yiff

A few extra words.

Long time no see... It has been a while since the last chapter I published. Let me say that this incoming chapter will not be focused completely on Alex, or it will, depending on the result of the questions of the previous chapter. I'm writing this as a day after new years.

I hope all of you enjoyed your time with family, friends or alone. Not all can have a good time, but we do what we can. In my case, took pictures with my mother and had a happy new year. I haven't been in touch with her for a while. Christmas was a bit lonely though... But I did what I could.

Also, I tried to learn the "Ye'old English"... With no success, so I will stick with Modern English. Anyway, here are a few things. I have been searching and researching a lot with my friend, I will refer to him now on as GR (Goku Revolucion). We have a lot to tell.

1.- Thanks to all people who create/share stories on Reddit and share their relations. I have seen a lot of inspiration from that area, not all of them are positive. But, I have been enjoying listening and looking at things differently. It has changed a lot, a view I had on reality.

Anyway... Why I'm bringing this up? There are a few things that I learned, and let's say that drama will arrive in due time. It will also be realistic on the relationships and behaviors... from what I can do.

2.- Who is writing, or who is Alex? I can tell this one will be coming by a mile. Let me say that I do the writing, but questions and some mental things are done by GR. He doesn't fully control the story, to tell the truth he loves the direction it is going. But mental stuff is his.

In the previous chapter, there was a really heavy thought about how "Alex" past made him feel. This was coming in full force to me, I felt his grief. I confronted him about it and lets says that a lot of talking started to happening. Not only memories, but laughter and cries.

For the people who think that we had something going on. I kind of also asked about it one day. He denied, though he did felt something at some point. I did not know how to respond as that was unexpected. Things got awkward, and we took some time off, this happened around October before he traveled to visit family.

One day I got a message, and he wanted to talk again. Here comes the self reflection that the character "Alex" does. Just in case, he did give me permission to share this after giving him time to reflect more in his actions.

Message: "I'm sorry to make things awkward between us... I have been thinking a lot in my life. I feel... alone, also I do have a habit to look down myself. I... I just really don't know what to do. I do not want to fall off contact, since we last spoke was a long time ago...".

We resolved our troubles and finished the chapter before Christmas. There are more things that were said and were done. I can't tell a lot, since he did ask for some privacy of his life.

3.- The real reason why last chapter took soooooo long!

I was writing and entered in writer's block for I guess since September 2022. Yes, after publishing the first part of the chapter. The thing is, even with personal experience, I needed a lot of information.

Not only that, but there had been a lot of holes that had to be filled up. The first one, the geography of the places and villages. I still have to search that information since the next chapter is in... Why not to tell... Morenatsu.

Now, I will not tell a full AU (Alternative Universe) from Morenatsu, rather, help create a character that lived there. For those who want a new story with this "new" character. I could start once I feel we have 10 chapters of this story. Just if there is enough encouragement. Let me know with a comment here.

4.- Why are the chapters so long?!

I do not know if you noticed, but this is more of a diary. Diaries are something personal and can tell a lot of a person, not just mentally but emotionally and a lot more stuff. Not only that, but Alex's character is similar to GR. That is why he is constantly being asked about things, and he actively joins to edit and correct the way Alex would act.

Just in case, his edits do not slow down the writing but helps to see another side of a coin. It is useful... The other was actually searching about psychology, history, and many more things. I will try to make it as humanly and realistically it can be.

That doesn't mean that the way I started treating the world would change. Just that there will be heavy subjects and realistic expectations. Even if there is Magic, there should be limits to everything.

5.- For the important question that was asked to be responded in the chapter. How it will change?

It depends... You know there are few questions asked in the previous chapter, and some of you might wonder how I will change the story. For now, I can't say. But what I can tell that twists are not always nice. Even if one comment happens while I write this, changes to the story are big.

I will try to show when the question and option chosen by people will take effect. As of now, I will try to start writing the new chapter on Sunday, January 8, 2023. I have a few things to do, so I will be checking for comments. Also, a big thing to know.

Comments made during the story will influence the story too. It is not exclusive to answer the ending questions. Remember the shadows? Yes... You guys have the ability to change his fate in more ways that any of you realize. Though there is a requirement, so a single comment might not make a change.

6.- I can take suggestions, opinions, or even criticism. Let me know if you feel like, that the story is not feeling right. Let me know and let me learn how to improve. I want to have a satisfying story, and all of you are needed. Even if at least one decides to answer or none, I'm happy that you guys have been reading the story, and joined me for so far.

This is all I wanted to say. I thank you all the readers that reached this point. I know many have just started reading but, I will try to improve and share this world my friend has made.