DeadRealm75 – Project: A.C.E. – Ch. 1: The arrival of the human.

A Tennis Ace Fanfiction story route. (A sci-fi adapted, slice of life, story from a Visual Novel.) Inspired by the "Ace Of Hearts" made by "CrabRangoonie".

Author: DeadRealm75 (DeadRealm (@DeadRealm75) - Wattpad)

Status: Ongoing.
Target Audience: New Adult (18-25 years of age).
Rating: Mature.
Available languages: English.


furry, furryxhuman, gay, gayfurry, gayhuman, haruki, jun, lgbt, romance, scifi-romance, shoichi, slice, sliceoflife, tennis, tennisace, visualnovel, yuuichi, yuuichixhuman.

Ch. 1: The arrival of the human.

Date: April 07 (Friday). Day 3 of the original gameplay prologue.

(Dan-Elius Qelgar's POV.)

Dan-Elius: Haah...

I started my new day at school today, and like always, I was near a nervous breakdown. I have been nervous, since not many humans are this far from the facilities. More nervous because they transferred me to Japan, of all the places. The training helped me to learn Japanese, at least enough to speak, read and write.

The transferring process took longer than expected, and some teachers seemed to be preparing for my arrival. The email system is similar, so I have no problems with that. Still, my mind could not stop thinking about bad things.

What if they think I'm weird because I'm human? What if no-one likes me? What if people think I'm gross? What if...

I shake my head, snapping out from what I was thinking.

Dan-Elius: Not the time, it's not like it was the first time meeting them, it was a surprise at first. I should be used to the attention.

I was usually calm, though now I was nearly panicking about what they would think. Since it has been a while since I got to school, more importantly, High School. Apparently, I'm two grades behind, and probably the oldest student in the academy. Luckily, it was my last year, so I probably won't have to worry.

I take a deep breath, pick up my shoulder backpack and gym bag, make sure I have everything, and look for my books. Mainly one that I always keep with me. A journal of sorts, I have been having pretty strange dreams and some of them seem familiar. Like the people I saw in them, I already met.

I fix my uniform making sure I look fine and head out of my apartment. It has been a long time since I wore a uniform, in México they have uniforms, but I was surprised that they had a dress code too. I grab my phone and pull up the GPS app. Most things are from 2017, though a bit different.

It seems like they have similar technology with a few differences. For example, the touch screen glass was a bit thicker and more sensible. The phones are a bit bigger, and most of them I have difficulty holding. I had to have one custom-made for me. I also had to register for the governmental app.

Mostly to sign up, and keep informing what I found different from my time to this one. It seemed to help with the technology for us. It wasn't obligatory, but it was useful in cases of emergency. Like if I lose my phone or is far away from me, it would lock the phone immediately once I was far away enough.

I wondered if it would be better to drive to the academy, walk, or take the train. I still had an hour and a half left to go, besides, the academy was close. A 20-minute walk would be enough to arrive and have free time to speak with the faculty and some students, so they know me a bit better.

I settled for a walk and pull my earbuds, just to distract myself from the nerves I was feeling. I wasn't sure if they had a cafeteria in the academy, so I grabbed a granola bar, and a bowl of fruit with yogurt just in case. While I walk to the academy, I notice the people looking at me...

It made me a bit uncomfortable, but it wasn't like I was the only human... right?

No need for consistency here, but you can play this song while reading. This is the song he is listening to: Droplet Derby - Tanger - YouTube.

Droplet Derby

After walking for 20 minutes...

I walk following a specific wall, mostly white, and a few students are walking with the same uniform I had. So I guess I was going to the right building. I looked around, and I honestly love how in tune Japan is with nature. Sakura's trees are blooming, making the classical scene about romance in those mangas I used to read.

Smiling, I felt more at ease, when noticing that it wasn't as different as I saw them. It was kind of... liberating to see nature like this. A petal started to fall in front of me, I grabbed and smelled the leaf. It had a hint of honey, it was so subtle.

My smile falters when I notice a... wolf? Waiting at the entrance... He is humongous, all of them seem tall, but this one by far is the tallest one I ever saw. It... is a bit intimidating. I feel like pray right now... He is nearly 6'5 I have to look up almost like a child looking at his father... gee. His fur is blue and gray and seems really into sports.

His uniform fits him tightly, accentuating his form, almost like he was some kind of authority here. Although even if he is intimidating I had self-defense training, according to the scientist who told me that there would be times we won't be able to rely on words. So all of us that exited stasis, got some kind of self-defense training.

More after the criminal cases... No matter the date and time, we still have problems like this... I lower the volume on my earbuds.

??????: Hello! You must be Qelgar.

He said almost as a matter of fact. Like the school prepared him to guide me or something. I'm worried I might be the only human here.

Dan-Elius: Uh... y-yes... that's me.

??????: Whew, glad I got the right person this time. I've asked a few people the same thing...

The wolf? Says, scratching the back of his neck nervously. Somehow that made me more at ease, but something tells me that I will be uneasy again. Though, how did he confuse me with another human? Or maybe he didn't know I was one...

Dan-Elius: S-sorry I wasn't informed about this...

Shoichi: Oh... right, the school... Leaves matters like this to us, the student council. I will be your tour guide for today, I'm Shoichi Urata.

 I will be your tour guide for today, I'm Shoichi Urata

(Shoichi Urata in casual clothing. Art by nyaruh.)

He says, bowing.

Dan-Elius: Nice to meet you, Shoichi-san.

(Honorific: -san = It is often compared with the English honorifics of Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms., but it is actually used commonly in Japan. It is considered a neutral honorific, and is often the go-to when speaking to or about anyone you do not know or are not well acquainted with.)

I give my hand out since I haven't been accustomed to the change. It is difficult since it is a big cultural change. He tilts his head to the side, confused.

(Shaking hands is only a western way of greeting. While in Japan it is used mostly with business partners accompanied by a bow. Bowing in Japanese culture is so ingrained that people will often bow when speaking on the phone, even if they are aware the other person can't see them. Greeting someone will lead to bowing instead of a handshake.
-A greeting bow called eshaku, which falls in 15 degrees, is a casual type of bow. Used between people of same status, or when formalities are less important, when meeting someone by chance.
- A business related bow called Keirei, which falls around 30 degrees, is used when greeting clients, entering meetings, and during interactions with superiors at work.
-A full bow called saikeirei, which falls in between 45 - 70 degrees, is more often used for important people, saying sorry or asking for big favors.)

Dan-Elius: S-sorry! It's a habit from where I come from.

I retract my hand and bow instead.

Dan-Elius: I'm Dan-Elius Qelgar, a pleasure to meet you.

Shoichi: There is no need to use the honorific. It makes me feel a little too official, just Shoichi would be fine.

A little sigh of relief escapes my chest. At least I won't have to refer to him like so. This will be a difficult thing to get used to. We walk inside the academy and look at the buildings, there aren't a lot, just where I need to go in case I get somewhat lost. The school is divided into three major buildings besides the athletic departments.

There is the main building that you see at the entrance. That building houses the faculty office and the clubrooms for the most high-profile clubs or the ones with the most expensive equipment. That seems where most of the academy expenses goes. It is well maintained and really seems like the most attractive building from the academy.

I imagine that it houses medicine, business, computer science, and engineering for the most part...

Then to the side if we were watching from the entrance of the academy, there is a building on the right side. That building is where all the students go to their classrooms. It consists of three floors. Each floor is a grade, and each grade is divided from "A" to "E" in total there are fifteen classrooms in total. Five per floor.

Though, according to Shoichi, the senior year is a little different. The "A" class corresponds to advanced academic studies. It's where they house the most promising students and pass them along, classes designed to prepare for college entrance exams and college life in general.

It isn't mandatory to join 3-A and there are always a few students that decline it. Like me, I decided to not stress over that side. Not with everything being new to me. It's a much smaller building compared to the others, and houses the classrooms.

The third building is the club building, where most clubrooms are located.

According to Shoichi the academy is pretty well-known in the country and has a lot of people applying every year. Just getting in is quite difficult. I shake my nerves since it is a bit difficult to put into perspective. If it wasn't for the governmental programs around the world, I probably would not be here.

A bit unfair, but... I didn't choose to be here, I was sent here...

Throughout the tour, we have been talking a bit, and I started to feel more comfortable around him. I did ask what species he was, and he told me he was a husky. Though, he could understand why I would think he was a wolf.

Mostly because I was still new to seeing so many kinds of humans, like species, as people. I think it is like the color of skin instead of species, which makes it more common. Interestingly enough, we exchanged numbers, and he said to ask about anything, at the time I didn't think I would need to ask him anything.

It was nice of him to offer some help even though we are still students, he didn't need to be helping me like this. But it was appreciated. We enter the classroom's building, and he points to a wooden plaque on top of the doors saying the grade and the letter.

Shoichi: This will help you identify your classroom after finishing our tour.

He turns and we head outside...

Shoichi: Alright, our last stop is the faculty office, where you will meet with your counselor.

We arrive at the entrance, and he guides me inside to the third floor. Until he is at the entrance, he says something more...

Shoichi: This is the faculty office, your counselor will be inside waiting for you. I will see you later in case you need help looking at the clubs today.

Dan-Elius: I'll check them out later, I still haven't decided what I'll be choosing, but hopefully it is something that I can find fun. Thank you so much, Shoichi.

He gives me a smile and bows before leaving, I follow suit to be respectful. He leaves with his tail swaying slowly.

Dan-Elius: ...

Well... it is time, isn't it? I walk in and respectfully excuse myself.

Dan-Elius: Pardon the intrusion.


After talking for a while and setting up my schedule, I was talking to my professor in my classroom about how I would be introduced. I didn't see any other humans in the academy... It feels lonely, though I know I'm not alone. Still, I was a bit excited since I have the chance to socialize more than what I was doing earlier...


(Yuuichi Michimiya's POV.)

The classroom is excessively noisy first thing in the morning. I feel like this happened before... But something feels different, the rumors talked about a human arriving to our high school. Ever since they exited stasis, many are joining society. While others are helping in medical fields, and other stuff.

Hmm... It's already been a few minutes since the bell rang and our teacher hasn't shown up yet... again. I'm pulled out of looking outside by the teacher arriving at the classroom.

 I'm pulled out of looking outside by the teacher arriving at the classroom

(Classroom and teacher "Shima" art. Taken from the VN. Art by nyaruh.)

Shima: Good morning, students. Now, if everyone could please return to their seats.

Ah, speak of the devil.

Shima: I'm sorry for the delay. It seems that we have another transfer student. In this case, a special one.

The stag looks out the open door at someone that I can't see.

Shima: Come here. Introduce yourself.

A short human like the ones that have been in the news walks in to the classroom. He has fair skin and long black hair half seemed to be tied into a ponytail, the other half would be left down. It reached to his shoulders. His eyes are hazel colored, they almost seem to light up.

I think this should be the new transfer student that the rumors were spreading about. He seems older than most of us...

(I forgot to add color to the hair and eyes, sorry!)

When the others noticed the human, a bunch of our classmates sprang out of their seats and surrounded him. Bombarding him with questions.

"Is it true that the government just gives you money?!" Someone asked.

"Can you breathe fire?!"

"Can you shoot lasers from your eyes?!"

"Do you have something robotic?!"

"Did your race really create us?!"

Wait? What?

(Dan-Elius Qelgar's POV.)

It felt like being jumped by dogs but in this case instead of licks and barking, it was just questions and some even checking my body. Uncomfortable, but I understand their curiosity. That is, until someone prodded a specific spot.

Dan-Elius: P-Please, be careful where you put your hands... I don't want to defend myself and hurt someone.

Immediately they backed away. Giving me a bit of space, I sigh from relief. I was getting the feeling of claustrophobia, even though I never felt that before.

Shima: Now class, I know we have a lot of questions for Dan-Elius, but give him some space. He already asked me to give a bit of time to introduce himself.

I bow to my teacher and turn to face the class. Sighing a bit to let the nerves leave, I take a breath in to give me some courage. They all return to their seats and look at me expectantly.

Dan-Elius: H-Hello everyone, My name is Dan-Elius Qelgar. I'm one of the few who exited the stasis, and was allowed to travel recently. Now for the few questions that stuck...

I start writing my name in kanji. Though it is weird when I write it since my name is not... common? Normal?

Dan-Elius: I'm not sure how to answer them... first. About the government, yes they do give us money, but some of us opted to not receive it.

Dan-Elius: Mostly because we found ways to have income, and having a free place to stay was more than enough. Besides, I already had a job before I came to Japan.

Dan-Elius: About breathing fire... I can't comprehend how I'd do that... We are omnivores, and nothing in our diet would suggest we could do that.

Dan-Elius: Now, the last one that stuck was if humans created what I would refer to as Beastman. Honestly, I have no idea. From what the stasis provided, it was said that we all had a mission to complete.

Dan-Elius: Though in my case, it is a bit... confusing. Mine is to protect some people, though they were never specified.

Dan-Elius: From what I was told, the year from my stasis was even before the technology located in the facilities was discovered. The last thing I remember was being frozen... it... wasn't pleasant at all.

?????: What about their technology... Do you know any of it?

I wonder for a bit... But decide not to give a lot of information about that.

Dan-Elius: Well... can I borrow the whiteboard marker, Shima-sensei?

Shima: Go ahead, this is fascinating.

I took a look at the teacher, clearly interested in what I'm about to draw. I might not have pursued drawing, but I'm decent at it. Still, I prefer music instead. I drew a bare-bones capsule like a bed.

Dan-Elius: The stasis chambers are beds that look like... pills. We're inside with a viscous liquid that provides the nutrients to our bodies and stops the aging process.

Dan-Elius: The liquid only works in those capsules, they tried to use it and did not work. To the side, they had some screens showing our vital signs and something more that I can't remember.

I continue to draw what would look like a vitals monitor, similar to what you would have in a hospital.

Dan-Elius: Something interesting about those screens is that they're... holographic? Not fully physical...

????????: Like a floating image?

Dan-Elius: Exactly, I tried to interact with the screen, it showed my information and my mission... though... I was taken to a place before I could fully read what it said.

Dan-Elius: It really is a sci-fi place. The technology is advanced, to say the least. Anyway, the place they took me to was some sort of military base where some scientists did some studies to check on us.

Dan-Elius: We had studies done for diseases, health problems and even trained in self-defense... Let's say that news travels fast once some humans were murdered...

I notice their uneasiness about what I said. I decided to change a bit of the topic.

Dan-Elius: It is good that they provided training and education... In my case, I was taught Japanese and some customs. Since I would start living here. Though... It is a bit weird.

Shima: What do you mean?

Dan-Elius: Well... I'm... 65 Million years apart from my time, though it feels like I'm in the 2017? Even though we went extinct, there is no trace of what exactly happened.

Dan-Elius: I come from America, but my background is from México... Some things are the same from my time, almost like I never entered stasis.

My accent, in this case my English, brings a bit of the attention of some. Even the Spanish I know seems intriguing to the girls when I pronounce the names in their own languages. I stammer a bit, since I start to feel like I'm their prey.

Dan-Elius: T-That's all I'm allowed to say at the moment. T-This feels pretty weird to me, but at the same time it feels normal... A-Also, I don't want to take the whole class assignment.

Some of them groan and seem deflated... Yeah, I also don't like classwork, but what can I do? Take the entire class talking? I can barely remember some things about the stasis, and I don't want to risk it.

Shima: Very well, you may sit now, this is your textbook. You will be sitting between Kobayashi and Michimiya at the back of the class.

He gives me a Japanese history textbook with a sticky note with my name on it. I look at the book and before leaving I clear the whiteboard. Looking around the classroom, there are only two seats empty, one of them is in between a tall Shiba Inu and a chubby Tiger. I walked to my seat and gave them a smile while Shima-sensei was giving a row call.

(Honorific: -sensei = An Important honorific, which is used for teachers, as well as various other professions that require great skill and knowledge.)

I sit at my desk and pull out a notebook with a sigh. I start paying attention to the class, but... he is talking about... Greek History? I hate that I know about the subject, since my old history teacher also was passionate about it. Even though we were supposed to be learning about the history of México.

Dan-Elius: Shima-sensei, is there a reason we are touching the subject of Greek History? When we're supposed to be learning about Japanese History?

I hear multiple gasps around the room, I look around and notice the Shiba Inu giving me a look of pity.

Shima: I'm sorry, but I think Ancient History would be better than Japanese History at the moment.

I contemplate the teacher... Is he serious about not teaching the intended subject? In the US, you get reprimanded for doing such things without notice. Well, at least on the paid colleges and, for what I know, even schools. Since there is the typical "Karen" person that sometimes is incredibly right about a problem with a teacher.

Dan-Elius: Then... it will be no issue to report you to the Board Of Education or Municipality, that you are failing as a teacher for not teaching the intended subject required for your students and job?

Waah, Shima-sensei looks pissed at me.

Shima: It seems you already know the subject. How about a little test?

I calm down before answering back. But I think I know where this is going.

Dan-Elius: I see no issues, I'm sure you will try to ask an easy question... Something about... Greek Pantheon?

The term deer in headlights is now physically visible on the teacher. That alone makes me chuckle with other students, it is not like I don't know about the subject, I know a lot of it and wish I didn't.

Dan-Elius: Heh... nothing new... My old history teacher used to do the same as you, though she changed schools after multiple students reported her for not teaching the appropriate subject.

Dan-Elius: The last thing I heard was that she was told to correct her behavior or would've her teaching license suspended for quite a while.

I did my fair investigation on the educational system in Japan. It follows almost like any education board. Though their educational system is better than what I have experienced. Besides that I'm on my own and if anything I will be paying for my studies if I need to.

Having a teacher that is passionate is great, but the subject I need is the one he is refusing to continue teaching. So I decided to suggest a compromise.

Dan-Elius: I understand that you're passionate about it, but what about mixing a bit of history of Japan. Like, how some ideas might have become similar to those in ancient history.

Dan-Elius: I'd tolerate that better than receiving no education from the intended subject.

Another thing to know is that... since humans are a bit scarce, they tend to listen more to us. They do their investigations in case something is wrong, and actually is helpful. But I don't want our teacher to lose his job, I only want him to teach the intended subject.

Shima: V-Very well, I'll take your suggestion into consideration, but for now we will be focusing on Ancient history.

I sit down pleased with the outcome, I hope I won't have to bring the board of education. I really want to learn a bit of Japanese history.


Lunchtime arrives, and I'm noticing multiple stay in the classroom chatting and pulling some boxes, others start leaving also carrying some kind of makeshift bags. I guess there is no cafeteria... My phone has been repeating the same song, so I decided to change it. Honestly, music always lifts the mood every day.

That's why I keep playing music in my earbuds. Though I have been in trouble sometimes, it helps with some anxiety. Specifically, the silence in a room always makes me anxious. Sure, there is the occasional cough and the multiple scribbles going on. But I feel like... Music is part of my life in this case.

Besides, it is not playing loud enough to get me noticed by the teachers. Actually, I barely put volume to any songs while I'm in class, it's almost like background music.

No need for consistency here, but you can play this song while reading. This is the song he is listening to: Secret Ingredient - Tanger - YouTube.

Secret Ingredient

Dan-Elius: Haah...

I pull out a water bottle from my gym bag and my container with fruit and yogurt, including my granola bar. Also, I noticed that I added an energy drink in my gym bag. For some reason, I felt like drinking one. I pull out the schedule from my folder while looking at the clock on the wall and yes... this is lunchtime.

Well, this is as much I will eat for today. It seems I will have to prepare some lunch boxes or bento before coming to the academy. I get up with my food items, but before leaving, the doors of the classroom open. Making the appearance of Shoichi known to the classroom.

Shoichi: Mornin'. Ah! Dan-Elius, what a surprise seeing you here.

The husky smiles at my presence. I notice his tail wagging slowly behind him... what does that mean?

Dan-Elius: Morning Shoichi, just heading out to see if there is a cafeteria here.

The husky hums, seemingly thinking of something.

Shoichi: Well, there is none... but you can join us if you want.

He points where the Shiba Inu and Tiger are sitting.

???: Good morning, Shoichi-san.

The tiger says, while Shoichi's reaction is amusing to be called "-san". A light chuckle escapes my lips while I sit down. He seems to compose himself before greeting the tiger and sits down.

Shoichi: Good morning, Jun-kun.

(Honorifics: -kun, -chan = The most common informal honorifics are "-kun" and "-chan", which are often grouped together.
"-kun" is most commonly used to refer to boys and young men. It is usually used when talking to someone of a lower status than you, whether this be by age or social stature. It also indicates a level of closeness, so is most commonly used among family, friends, and other close relationships.
"-chan" is used similarly for young girls, but has a wider range of use. It can be used well into adulthood and is also commonly used for pets, babies of both genders, and even grandparents. It is considered cute and is generally used among people you are close to. It could be considered patronizing or rude to use it with someone you don't know well.)

The part Jun rings in my head when the teacher did a row call. Ah! So he is Jun Kobayashi, nice to know.

(Jun Kobayashi in casual clothing

(Jun Kobayashi in casual clothing. Art by nyaruh.)

The door opens back again, this time showing a bunny yelling a strange greeting.

????: Osu! Ah! The human!

She notices my presence, immediately running towards me, grabbing my hand and begins to shake it like a handshake, which is unusual. It takes a lot of willpower not to react with self-defense.

Saya: My name is Saya Mizoguchi, it's a pleasure to meet you!

Saya: My name is Saya Mizoguchi, it's a pleasure to meet you!

(Saya Mizoguchi in casual clothing. Art by nyaruh.)

I'm a bit overwhelmed at her greeting, but still I let it pass since I barely know anyone here. She is loud and full of energy, it's somehow refreshing, heh.

Dan-Elius: L-Likewise. M-Mine is Dan-Elius Qelgar.

Shoichi: Osu!

Shoichi imitates her greeting, eliciting a laugh from the bunny.

Jun: Oh, Mizoguchi-san, good morning.

Mizoguchi-san gives Kobayashi-san a nod of her head to acknowledge his greeting and proceeds to pull up a chair to my desk while I was sitting down. All of them are surrounding me. I'm in the middle of Kobayashi-san and the Shiba Inu, while Shoichi and Mizoguchi-san are pulling a seat in front of us.

(Differences when talking with last name instead of first name: What we know as first name is the given name, for example, Yuuichi. While what we know as the last name is the family name, for example, Michimiya.
-When someone is not that close to you, you refer to them by their family name, followed by the honorific -san. Though, it also shows that you respect them when you barely know them.
-It is a "big deal" when using someone's first name, though not always. For example: In schools and business might have a coincidence of last names, so more often the first names are used. Only when you are close to someone, you should use their first name with an honorific.
-The Japanese way that they would actually introduce themselves is: Last name - First name. "Michimiya Yuuichi".)

I place my items in front of me, start eating.

Jun: Is that all you are going to eat?

Kobayashi-san asks, giving me a curious look, tilting his head to the side. ... cute.

Dan-Elius: This is all I managed to prepare, I forgot to buy groceries.

Mizoguchi-san interrupts my talk with the chubby tiger by questioning the Shiba Inu beside me.

Saya: By the way, Yuuichi-kun, how are you holding up? Think you'll last through today's practice?

The Shiba Inu retorts, after hearing that. I wonder what is going on.

Shoichi: Actually, I was wondering about that myself. You seemed like you were about to kick the bucket when we went home yesterday.

Yuuichi: Well... my legs feel like they're on fire, but I'll live.

Shoichi: How many sets have you played this past week? Fifty?

Saya: Ninety five.

Mizoguchi-san cuts in.

Shoichi: Waah... seriously? That's like, four full-set matches a day. I feel tired just thinking about it.

I blink... four full-set matches? It sounds like tennis... The typical time a match lasts is 1 hour 20 minutes. But there are times that a third set is necessary... Sometimes lasting for 2 hours. If that is the number I go for... 8 hours?!

Saya: I don't really think so. I've been doing the same and it's been pretty easy.

Mizoguchi-san's assertion shocks Shoichi so much that he chokes on a piece of meat, nearly knocking down Jun's food as he hits the table.

Shoichi: Yeah, but you're a demon when it comes to stamina.

Saya: Wha-? How rude.

Mizoguchi-san crosses her arms, pouting. Though the Shiba Inu, called Yuuichi, finds her pouting hilarious, like me, I start laughing.

Yuuichi: Ow, ow, it hurts when I laugh.

I decide to intercept after I calm down for a bit.

Dan-Elius: I-I'm afraid to ask, but... H-How long do you practice?

Yuuichi: S-sorry, for not presenting myself. My name is Yuuichi Michimiya, a tennis player with Saya.

 My name is Yuuichi Michimiya, a tennis player with Saya

(Yuuichi Michimiya in casual clothing. Art by nyaruh.)

Dan-Elius: Nice to meet you, mine is Dan-Elius Qelgar.

The greeting feels weird without the bowing or hand shaking, but I think it was for the better.

Yuuichi: Club activities last for two hours... Though sometimes we are able to stay longer.

Dan-Elius: Wait... so you have been playing what would be 8 hours of tennis in just... 2 hours?!

Michimiya-san lowers his ears and whimpers when he notices the comparison.

Yuuichi: Y-Yes...

Jun: Are you sure you're going to be okay?

Saya: Don't worry about him, Kobayashi-kun. He deserves it.

I grimace at the way she is treating him, if he is as tired as to cause pain when he laughs, then that probably is a form of punishment. Though I know nothing about them.

Yuuichi: That's a little harsh, even from you. Not to worry, though, I'm completely fine now.

I know for a fact that's a lie, his movement seems to have weight on them. It looks sluggish even while eating.

Jun: By the way, what's the score so far?

I notice the color drain from Michimiya-san. It seems something he is worried about, or horrified? I don't know, it is probably something he doesn't want to talk about, but humors the tiger.

Yuuichi: Ninety five to zero.

He says barely audibly that I have to take an earbud out of my ear. Shoichi chokes once again, making Kobayashi-san react before he hits the table. He seems to hold it away from the desk we are using as a table. I think he is getting used to this.

Jun: You haven't won a single set?! Sheesh, talk about bad running.

Shoichi: You guys are going to kill me like this.

Saya: The boys have it rough, though. Both Kaito... I mean, Morisaki-san and Sasaki-san are ranked over #300 on the WTF.

(WTF = World Tour Finals or World Tennis Federation. Just in case, since I also was confused, I was thinking about the slang for a bit.)

When Shoichi calms down, he whistles in admiration.

Shoichi: That's impressive. Since he made his professional debut two years ago, I thought he was still around the 700 ranks.

Jun: I thought they were just regular college students.

I don't know how ranking works, but it seems important. It seems that Kobayashi-san also doesn't know about it. I know it is some kind of ranking, but... I can't measure how critical the ranking is, or how that number should impress me or worry me.

Saya: They are going through college, yes, but they're on a sports program with one of the top training centers in the world. It's not even comparable to the stuff we have here in Japan.

Mizoguchi-san was starting to get pretty excited to talk about it. I was surprised since it is the first time I have seen her like this.

Shoichi: You've been there once, haven't you?

Suddenly, Mizoguchi-san immediately props herself up on the table with a giant smile on her face. She is radiating with such enthusiasm. In the corner of my eyes I notice Jun's food is nearly knocked down, when I look at him, he doesn't seem happy about it, luckily I already finished mine.

Saya: Yeah. I went over to the US last year to visit Kaito.

Huh... I don't know where she went, but... Eh... It isn't like the place I lived is the same, not after many years. It is probably completely different with new institutions and houses. Probably, my whole mental map I had before is useless at this point.

Jun: What was it like over there?

Oh... I think I know where this is going... Michimiya-san seemed to be pleading with Kobayashi-san to not ask that question.

Saya: It was pretty confusing. Everything was in English and I kept getting lost... But their equipment was top class and every athlete had a personal instructor. It was SOO awesome.

Shoichi seems to try to say something but gets cut off by Mizoguchi-san immediately.

Saya: And they have over 60 courts, each and every one of them equipped with different machines to help players train every aspect of their game. Their gyms are chock-full with the latest tech. And their coaches are-

I notice Shoichi reaching for Mizoguchi-san's shoulder, holding her tightly and pushing her back into her seat without much resistance. She just goes along with it... Kind of funny to see that.

Dan-Elius: Heh...

Shoichi: Okay, okay, okay. Sounds like it was terrific, but can you please settle down! We're trying to have a conversation here, not a monologue.

Saya: Spoilsport.

Shoichi: Yeah yeah, how dare I. I'm such a horrible person. The usual spiel right.

Shoichi is just so unfazed by her rant. I just find it amusing, making me smile and let a huffing chuckle out at her pouting.

Shoichi: Well, the training center does sound pretty good, though. Why don't you apply there too, Yuuichi?

Shoichi: If Morisaki-senpai improved that much in just two years, think of what it could potentially do for you.

Yuuichi: Wouldn't work. I'd only be allowed to use the center if I were a student at their university.

Shoichi crosses his arms, looking annoyed.

Shoichi: And that would be a problem because... I'm sorry, why?

It is strange, but... I'm noticing that Kobayashi-san has been holding his hands behind his back during this conversation... almost like he is hiding something. I decided not to question it for now.

Yuuichi: It'd be a waste of time. I already know I'm going pro, so what would be the point of wasting my time going to college? If I have that much free time, I might as well use it for tennis.

Shoichi shifts on his seat, looking away from Michimiya-san. He seems angry at him, but doesn't seem to comment on it.

Shoichi: It doesn't hurt to have a fallback plan in case you-

Yuuichi: I don't need one. I plan to devote all my time to tennis as soon as I finish school. Shouldn't you be looking to do the same?

Ugh... there seems to be a dispute between the two... I feel like I'm just in the middle of it. Though literally I am, Shoichi is on my left side while Yuuichi is on my right side. Shoichi's expression darkened for only just a moment... Yep... they have something that they are fighting. Shoichi just sighs.

Shoichi: I already told you I'm not going pro, remember?

Shoichi's voice comes out monotone. Kobayashi-san and I are the only ones not knowing what is going on. While Mizoguchi-san just sighs, in defeat, for the both fighting over this topic. Michimiya-san seems so frustrated and annoyed, too much, that he couldn't keep quiet.

Yuuichi: Sure, I guess...

The whole thing turned sour... I was uncomfortable, same with Kobayashi-san, though he also seemed confused. Only Mizoguchi-san and Michimiya-san seem to take care of talking. I tried to talk with Kobayashi-san, and we found something interesting to talk about. He was a piano player and joined the music club.

Jun: Are you thinking of joining the music club?

Dan-Elius: Maybe, I play guitar... and used to teach since I started playing when I was young.

That alone let me talk to him about music. He really got interested and recommended a few songs to play. I also told him about some songs I made, not telling that I did make them. He told me he would listen to them later. The mood returned to normality, to say at least.

Jun: H-Hey, why don't you pass me your number, so we can share music ideas. Maybe you can play your guitar with me someday?

Dan-Elius: Sure, I would love to! It has been long since I played with someone a song.

We also exchanged numbers and I passed along some song titles that he would find appealing, because they could be accompanied by a piano. We continued talking, even of random things. Nothing too specific, more like what was going on in this school and around Saitama.


Many minutes after the other two had already left, Jun-kun and I still felt uncomfortable after the argument between the both of them. The mood wasn't completely ruined, but... Shoichi and Mizoguchi-san just quietly finished their meals and left without saying anything...

Ugh... Nothing I can do about that. I just hope they don't argue a lot while going out, or that this is normal. Still, I was glad that I managed to help Jun out of the sour mood.

Yuuichi: You all right, Qelgar-san? Jun-kun?

Michimiya-san seemed worried about us, with his ears lowered to his head. I let Jun speak first.

Jun: Huh? Oh, y-yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a little lost.

Jun said with a nervous smile, his ears finally separated from his head, becoming slightly more chipper.

Dan-Elius: S-same... There seems to be a p-problem going on.

Jun: Do you... do you guys argue like that a lot?

Thanks for asking, Jun-kun.

Yuuichi: No, not a lot. But... sometimes. No friendship is perfect, you can't get through life without a few rough patches here and there.

Yuuichi: But the only reason Shoichi and I get like that at times is because we really care about each other.

Jun and Dan-Elius: I... I see. / G-Got it.


Not even five minutes after we talked to Michimiya-san. Jun-kun's mood was completely uplifted by a bear playing a portable console. They were talking about an RPG that I never played. Honestly, after moving to Japan, I stopped playing games. Mostly focusing on studies to be able to do classwork and understand what they were teaching.

I noticed Michimiya-san suffering and couldn't help but hold my laughter. He wanted to talk, but probably was embarrassed about it since the sour conversation happened. I might not have an idea of what they were talking about, but it was fun to watch Michimiya-san trying to join their conversation. Heh...


Ugh... That took a long time to finish... Some classes are still boring even when I moved to a different country. Not counting that this place feels hot, not surprising since there are only bodies with fur in class. Probably I'm the only one that doesn't seem too bothered by it, perks of not having fur to deal with.

No need for consistency here, but you can play this song while reading. This is the song he is listening to: Cherish - Tanger - YouTube.


I notice Jun-kun trying to talk to Michimiya-san.

Jun: Hey!

Jun-kun seriously seems to have a lot of energy and he really is chipper. If I had to compare, it would be the sun of joyfulness to children, heh.

Jun: Yuuichi-san, would you mind if I tag along today too?

I wonder what they are talking about.

Yuuichi: Huh? I don't particularly mind, but why today?

Jun: Those guys you've been playing against leave today, don't they? I just thought I might get to watch your revenge!

Oh? Is this about the multiple matches he has been playing? I might as well tag along to see what it is about.

Yuuichi: Ah... Is that so...

Dan-Elius: Mind if I tag along too? I haven't been checking the clubs and I want to see what they have.

Jun: Yeah! Why not, it is fun to watch.

Yuuichi: Sure, I don't mind. Though I might have to ask for permission like I did with Jun.

Dan-Elius: I don't mind waiting. It's been a long time since I watched a tennis match.


We arrived at the Tennis court, though I waited for permission to see the match. It takes a couple of minutes until I'm able to pass, multiple look at me seemingly surprised, others... they don't care. I know I'm the only human now... nothing I can do about it. The place is hot, I'm sweating a bit, but it is not fully uncomfortable.

Jun-kun, Michimiya-san and I talk while Michimiya-san is doing a few stretches. Once he is ready, we say goodbye to Michimiya-san. Jun and I sit down and notice they start to prepare for a match. Though, a sudden yell pulls our attention.

Mikado: All right, we're going to get started on our first match of the day. Morisaki versus Michimiya! Now, Yuuichi-kun, do try to win at least once, will you.

Yuuichi: Shut up, I'm already trying to!

After that, the match starts.


That was an intense match... I noticed I was nearly falling off my seat. It really has some electricity in the air watching them play Tennis in person. Heh.

(Yuuichi Michimiya's POV.)

After losing against Kaito Morisaki...

(Condition: Failed to react in time to the ball in-game on day 3 when the ball is hitting center in a QTE. QTE = Quick Time Event. Losing the game to Morisaki and Kenma.)

This is as far as I could take it. I'll have to improve even more if I want to actually win. Kei-kun comes up to me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

Keisuke: That was a great match, Yuuichi-san. How are you holding up?

Yuuichi: I'm doing okay... I guess. Wish I could have taken it a little further...

Keisuke: Don't beat yourself up over that. You still did great.

Keisuke: You took a risk with that serve. Sure, it's too bad you were wrong. But it was still a bold move, and I have to commend you for that.

Yuuichi: Yeah. That was my one and only chance. It's depressing when I think about it.

Keisuke: Still. There was no way you could do that three more times. Not to mention that winning the point wasn't guaranteed even if you got it right.

Yuuichi: I suppose you're right.

I'll never know.

Kenma: Come on. It's time for our match.

Sasaki-san starts going towards the other court.

Yuuichi: Huh?! Hold on one second, will you. I'm exhausted, at least let me breathe.

Kenma: You've only played one set. What are you doing being exhausted now?

I have one-week worth of fatigue to handle! No, but even still... They've been playing against us all this time, and they also played in a challenger event. No matter how I look at it, they should be way more tired than we are. I catch up to Sasaki-san and start walking alongside him.

Yuuichi: How are you guys not exhausted? You've been playing non-stop for a week.

Sasaki-san doesn't look back at me when he answers.

Kenma: We have coaches and a care-staff to help us take care of accumulated fatigue. That's one of the first things you guys have to learn to deal with as a pro player.

So it's not like they don't feel fatigued... they just learned to power through it. In that case, I have no business complaining about being tired. Come on, it's time for me to take on Sasaki-san as well.

After losing against Kenma Sasaki...

Haah... as expected, I didn't stand a chance. I could barely even move, let alone play a full set. In the end, I didn't manage to win even a single set. Damn it, and I was so close too. That was so frustrating! Kei-kun didn't have any luck either. His best score over all sets was 6-3.

The girls, on the other hand, did super well. Saya actually managed to win 10 of her sets. We really do suck in comparison, huh. Coach had us get together to thank the guys for their help.

Mikado: With this, our one-week intensive training program is over.

Everyone was chatting excitedly.

Shiina: I hope I get to play with you again sometime soon, Mizoguchi-san.

That was Kaede Shiina, currently ranked #421 in the WTA and Winner of the All-Japan Junior two years ago.

(WTA = The Women's Tennis Association.)

Saya: I can't wait for us to play again on a big court with a big audience, Shiina-sempai!

The girls seemed to be getting along remarkably well.

Morisaki: Sure, coach. I'll make sure to pass the message if I see him.

Mikado: Ah, also, where Moriyama is concerned...

It seems that the coach still treats Morisaki-senpai as his student, even after he became a well established pro player.

Kenma: The timing for your drop shot is too slow, you're giving your opponents ample time to react. You should try fixing that.

Keisuke: Yeah, yeah. Anything else?

I can't be sure if those two are having a conversation or fighting. I really can't believe they've been here for a week. I'm a wreck and can barely stand, yet... I feel oddly satisfied.

Morisaki: Oe, Yuuichi!

Yuuichi: Ah, cap- Morisaki-senpai.

Morisaki: Come at me with everything you've got next time.

Yuuichi: Yeah. I'll make sure to close the distance between us. Just you wait.

He gives me a hearty grin. It really is good to have good rivals. The guys say goodbye to us one last time and leave for their van. This week really went by in a flash, huh.


(Dan-Elius Qelgar's POV.)

(Condition: The following part doesn't follow the original script on the game, but does include parts if the player had reacted to the box. Also, the time on this small match is for an hour. This won't change a lot of the key moments that the original Tennis Ace has. It will create an extra path.)

Gee... I think the guy really needs some help. I might not know how to play tennis, but I think I can put up something for him. I like tennis, ever since I was little, my father used to watch it with me... though. Not after the plane crash. I shake my head before I start crying again. Not this time, if I can help somehow I will.

Dan-Elius: I will be back, Jun-kun. I'm going to ask for something.

Jun: Okay, I'll wait here. Though, what are you planning to ask?

Dan-Elius: I might be able to help him...

I look at Jun, he has a curious face that I can't help but give a smile to. I walk towards their coach, he is a huge mountain of scales. A bit intimidating since he is like a crocodile... or an alligator. I hope I don't need to specify, or I'm screwed.

Dan-Elius: Hey... Um... can I get a try at the club? I would like to try to play against him.

I point at Michimiya-san sprawled and heaving for air on a bench near the gym lockers. While I ask for a racket and a bit of time to change into my gym clothing.

Dan-Elius: I think I can help him. He might have lost and probably this had put his mood down, but... I think I can actually help him.

Mikado: Do you have experience with Tennis?

Dan-Elius: No, none. Though I can copy what they did, I'm usually good at copying people. It comes with dancing. "Follow their lead and soon you succeed!" That's what one of my teachers said at the time.

Dan-Elius: I used to watch matches, so I know what to expect in the field. Still... If he doesn't want to, it is fine. I just want to try before deciding if I want to join a club or not.

He smiles showing a toothy grin making me shiver.

Mikado: Alright, though I'm not sure whether he will be able to play.

Mikado: *murmur* or agree to it...

Dan-Elius: Here... I normally don't drink them, but I wanted one. Still, it will help him recover a bit.

I pass over an energy drink, specifically an orange one, it is one of my favorite fruits. The other one would be grapefruit. I grab my gym bag and run to the locker room. This time I change the song on my earbuds to something that fits what I'm about to do and start changing.

No need for consistency here, but you can play this song while reading. This is the song he is listening to: Don't Stop Me - FIBRE - YouTube.

Don't Stop Me

Dan-Elius: Let the muses be my guidance.


(Yuuichi Michimiya's POV.)

Mikado: Yuuichi, you are not done for today. There is someone that wants to challenge you.

I turn to the side, still trying to recover.

Yuuichi: R-Really coach?! I can barely stand right now.

Mikado: Well, I reached out to someone that could help you get out of that barrier you have been having for the past three years.

Even you noticed?

Mikado: Here, something to pick you up a bit.

I look at the bottle, it is a fairly good energy sports drink. One of the few that actually does what is intended to.

Yuuichi: Where did this drink come from?

Mikado: The one challenging you gave it to me to help you. It will pick you up.

I look at him slightly suspicious. I can't help but think of him as lazy. Though he has been doing schemes recently, Morisaki-senpai and Sasaki-san were one of them, even if it wasn't because they wanted to. More like they took pity on us.

Yuuichi: I will see what I can do... Anyway, who is challenging me?

Mikado: The new student.

I cough, nearly passing the drink over my lungs after what I heard. Some of it went into my nose.

Yuuichi: Y-You don't mean-

His smile makes me shiver.

Mikado: Dan-Elius, the human.

My eyes widen, does he play tennis?

Mikado: Here he comes.

I see him exiting the lockers, dressed with red shorts and a sport branded shirt, it is colored white, with a design or claw marks that fade into blue, yellow, orange, and pink. He also is wearing some wristbands on both hands, they are black with a line running close to the open ends. Including a white headband, he seems nervous, going out here.

I wonder why he chose to challenge me.

Qelgar-san goes to receive a racket from coach. He starts doing some stretches and... *blushes*, I shake my head. What I'm thinking? After a while he seems to be ready and tells me.

Dan-Elius: I-I'm ready.

I stand up, it seems that the fatigue isn't gone, but I feel a lot better.

Mikado: Today we have a friendly and short match between Dan-Elius Qelgar and Yuuichi Michimiya. Begin!

Recommended song to play while reading: Synapse - Tennis Ace - YouTube. Provided by AtomXZR on YouTube.

Synapse - Tennis Ace

Once the ball is in play, my focus should be only on it and on my opponent... I toss the ball high in the air and bring my racket down. Let's see how he deals with this serve. He goes running towards the ball, and barely reaches the ball before it can leave the court. My ears twitch once I hear a snap coming from his left free hand.

Then he returns my serve with the offensive, sending a powerful return to attack my serve. A sense of déjà vu flows around me. The ball bounces right on the back line, which I meet with relatively ease. This time I decided to make my shot slow. That was my mistake.

He was already on the net. Did he predict my move? He volleys the ball with force. I'm not even halfway through the court when the ball hits the ground and rolls away.

Mikado: 15-0...

Even though I hit the ball... he repeated the same things as Morisaki-senpai... It feels wrong but right at the same time. He even managed to reach the net to the same spot he did the first time I had a match with Morisaki-senpai. This is...

I hear two snaps of fingers, bringing me back, immediately I turn and see where the sound came from. The air changed so drastically that it feels... unnatural. The sound came from... Qelgar-san.

I go to serve this time a flat... but... the ball returns and passes close to me, at a speed that I have never seen... What is going on?!

The silence in the field is unsettling...

The air is filled with so much electric energy that many of them stay silent, there is not a single sound in the field or the crowd. Almost like there was no one in here. My fur is lifted, making me feel like there is danger.

He is there, smiling...

Dan-Elius: M-Michimiya-san... Are we waiting for something?

Crap, I was spacing out.

Yuuichi: Ah, sorry!

Play resumes on my court.

This time I go for a slice that quickly escapes to the side of the court. Qelgar-san does a quick sideways jump and meets the ball right in the center of his racket. His return paints the line on the opposite side of the court. I make a dash for the ball, tapping it. His shot is heavy...

I'm having a hard time just getting the ball to go over the net. He is already on the net?! He taps the ball back lightly. A drop volley. In the end, I never had a chance to reach the ball before it bounced twice.

Mikado: 30-0.

What is this?! It feels like a replay from three days ago. I can't accept it. I try a topspin like last time. He dashes to the point where the ball bounces on the court, hitting it right as it rises from the ground, before it has the chance to properly bounce. A rising shot... he made it look so easy. The ball comes back to me lacking power.

The ball hits the ground a little short of the baseline. I manage to reach it, hitting a straight shot with as much power as I can. He reaches my ball with ample time to prepare... this guy. He hits it with a full swing, sending it to the other side of the court. I manage to get there before it arrives. Though, when I try to hit it.

It makes contact with the very tip of my racket, making it blow out of my grip.

Yuuichi: A-Again?!

It had more power than I expected.

I prepared for the serve this time, so I decide to serve with a flat. Hitting the ball with everything I have. Still like nothing, he sends the ball back, but his shot seems weaker. The weakened shot is going towards my forehand... I prepare to counter it.

I concentrate my strength, sending the ball right on top of the line, on the side of the court where he is right now. I prepare for a strong ball right back at me. I jump towards it, hitting the ball back, though it loses its power. I immediately start running towards the center of the court. He reaches it, and taps it.

Crap, a drop shot! He took advantage of my momentary loss of focus... I'm rooted to my spot, panicking on what to do. I direct all of my energy to my legs and make a mad run for it. In the process, I jump towards the ball, hitting the ground with my chest. Shit, this hurts. I manage to tap the ball right before it hits the ground.

The ball goes up just enough to go over the net... and I notice him. I'm left defenseless as he hits the ball over my head to take the point.

Mikado: Game Qelgar, 1-0.

Before noticing or trying to get up, I see the shadow kneeling before me. An offering had to be grabbed.

Dan-Elius: That seems to hurt... are you okay?

He really seems worried about me... Not wanting to be a bad sportsman, I grab his hand. He groans while using all of his body to lift me up. He notices my stature once I stand up completely.

Dan-Elius: I feel like I'm walking between giants.

That makes me laugh, he isn't wrong. Most of us are around 6 feet tall (182.88 cm).

Yuuichi: I guess so... thanks for the drink, it really helped.

He fiddles a bit and makes space between us.

Dan-Elius: N-No problem... I notice how your body was so tense from the previous match. I hope you can learn what the coach wants you to learn.

Coach wanted me to get something out of that play?

Dan-Elius: Let's continue, I think I will amp up the difficulty. Think you can follow the same play you did before with Morisaki-san?

I blink... What?


The match started to pick up to the point that we both started to be equal for a while until I managed to win a game.

Mikado: Game Michimiya, 1-1.

Dan-Elius: Ready for the next part?

Yuuichi: Alright, bring the difficulty up!

This feels like some personal trainer, and I'm enjoying it. It's really pumping me up!


Qelgar-san serves, shooting up a fast flat shot to the center. I managed to return it, though it was weak. Qelgar-san rushes to the net. I try to respond in time, but he quickly puts it away with a drop-valley.

It feels like I'm playing with Morisaki-senpai.


The high pace of the game doesn't change at any point during the remainder of the set. I already feel like my legs are on fire again. He really is bringing me back to the state I was before.

Mikado: All right, it's time. Get back to the court, you two.

Qelgar-san gets into position to serve, I make my way to my own mark. We know he is not from here or even this era according to what we have been told, but his way to adapt to my play style is supernatural.

This is even worse than when I was playing with Morisaki-senpai, I can't even think of ways to deal with it. Valley. Power, speed, control, technique. He outclasses him in every single one of those, I could say that even Sasaki-san would have problems with him.

With the way I've been struggling to score, winning at a tie-break would be pretty much impossible.

Recommended song to play while reading: Shockwave - Tennis Ace - YouTube. Provided by AtomXZR on YouTube.

Shockwave - Tennis Ace

Dan-Elius: Follow your instincts.

Yuuichi: Huh?!

Dan-Elius: You heard me.

Qelgar-san gets into position again. I didn't even notice when he got close to me.

When he serves, my instincts scream. Like he knew that I was struggling. They told me to go to the center. Every ounce of my strength goes to my legs, and my body starts to move. I am honestly surprised when my racket makes contact. Qelgar-san is smiling, noticing the change in me.

I put all of my power into returning the ball to the opposite side of the court. When I look for Qelgar-san he is already moving to the ball, but it's too late. The ball I returned paints the end line and scores me the point.

Mikado: ...15-0...

Yuuichi: Y-YES!

Even coach is completely stunned. I'm honestly surprised as well. I hate that I had to rely on my own luck for that return, but I'm thanking every single god that I know of that I was able to guess it right.

Qelgar-san readies his next serve. Even if I did get that one serve, the reality of the situation hasn't changed. I would have to repeat that three more times to win the game. Doing so without allowing him to score... ...No matter how I look at it, it's impossible. ... Crap, I lost my focus. He's already serving. This is bad...

The ball flies straight into the net.

Mikado: Fault!

Did he... just make a mistake? Qelgar-san seems somewhat shaken. What just happened? Could he be... Qelgar-san immediately prepares to serve again. His whole body looks tense, his face is scrunched up in a look of confusion and desperation. He seems to have lost the previous calm state that was present while playing before. The ball hits outside the serve zone.

Mikado: ...D-Double fault. 30-0!

Huh? What just happened? Could this be... an unforeseen consequence of my return just now? I see... Of course. I was so focused on how much he had improved while playing that I forgot... Even though he is playing like Morisaki-senpai, he hasn't played against him. His moves aren't as refined as his.

Also, he doesn't have all that much experience over me, so of course he's still unused to dealing with some adverse scenarios. There is a lot of mental stress while someone gets the point taken suddenly with an ace of all things. No matter how good you are or how unflappable you may be, no one can stay composed for that long.

He readies his next serve. I can tell that he's severely lowered the difficulty. This time the ball goes in, but it's slow, so I have an easy time catching up. Normally I'd return it to the farthest point of the court, but... With the way he is right now... perhaps a body shot could rattle him even further?

I decide mere moments before striking the ball, sending it flying right towards Qelgar-san. He freezes for a second and... He's too sluggish. He manages to move out of the way, but can't position himself properly. His shot hits the net.

Mikado: 40-0...

Even coach is astounded. A body shot isn't normally all that effective. Its main purpose is to add stress to your opponent and, even then, it isn't all that successful. But used against someone who's already out of their game... He takes a moment to breathe, putting a hand to his chest.

He makes his fingers snap three times. He grips the ball in his hand and tosses it to serve... Waiting for the right time to shoot, at the same time he has a bigger smile. *Bump-bump*

Dan-Elius: Not this time...

His ball goes in, but it's so slow that I have an easy time catching up to it. I decided to return it with a body shot again. It goes flying right towards Qelgar-san. He notices and corrects his grip? That is a different way to play...

The ball... travels so fast! I can't even react to it. The ball just soars past me.

Mikado: Wha- How?!

Coach gasps. When I look over, I see him gaping, holding the radar gun.

Mikado: 2... 235Kph?!


He returns to stare at me and our eyes make contact. That look... it's familiar, like Morisaki-senpai's, right before his play had a serious level up. I look behind me, but no one is there... for a moment I thought I would see Kenma Sasaki appear behind me again. Th-This reminds me of the switch they told me about.

Dan-Elius: Focus!

Yuuichi: GAH!

Sasaki-san told me that Morisaki-senpai had a switch he could flip, this seems like what would have happened if I managed to move. Once I get back into my position, play resumes once more. Qelgar-kun tosses the ball into the air and... Immediately hits it, way before it has finished rising.

A quick serve? Crap, I wasn't prepared for it. There's no way I can return it. The ball hits the wide mark and, just like before, I'm left astounded.

Mikado: 40-30!

I wasn't expecting a quick serve of all things... Shit. I have to find a way to turn this around. The flow of the match that was swaying my way has now completely turned into the opposite direction. If I don't do something fast, I...

Dan-Elius: Focus, Michimiya!

Yuuichi: Ah! Y-Yes!

Crap, this isn't the time to be standing around in a daze. I have to do something. For now, just focus on his serve. Engrave his image in my eyes, read every detail of it. If I can react even one second... One millisecond faster, then surely...

Dan-Elius: Focus, Michimiya, I know you can do it!

His voice rings in my head. Again... this feeling. Everything... My eyes begin to focus much faster than before. My vision becomes clearer. Did I... I did! I can see Qelgar-san moving with such clarity... It's going to be wide!

Dan-Elius: There you go!

Recommended song to play while reading: Blow Out - Tennis Ace - YouTube. Provided by AtomXZR on YouTube.

Blow Out - Tennis Ace

I hear the hit of the ball. My body starts to move on its own. Before I notice, I'm at the ball's destination before it has even passed the net. My senses have been heightened once more, the blood rushing to my head, I can swear I hear him chuckling. My body once more moves like it has a mind of its own.

I swing with all I've got and hit the ball back with a wide. The ball escapes to the side with a slice, its low bounce making it even more difficult to reach. Though it doesn't matter, he is already there to receive it.

Qelgar-san dashes to the ball and has ample time to hit it over with a new trajectory. I can easily reach it. My body moves before I even have to think. This is...

Dan-Elius: Finally! You better remember this...

He trails off... almost like he won't be here or warning me of something. I hit the ball back and a rally ensued. We stay locked into a match of ground strokes. It's odd. I can tell that he is reacting faster than before, but I can still keep up.

We are on an even footing, a sense of déjà vu goes through me. Almost like... Yes, it's similar to the match I just had with Morisaki-senpai, even though his style of playing is similar to his. But it also has a bit of Sasaki-san. It's like he is them into one.

Dan-Elius: You won't last longer, Michimiya-san.

It feels like he can read me like a book. Even though my body feels lighter and faster, there is that limitation I felt before. Qelgar-san cuts one of my shots with a slice, and goes towards the net. My body already reacted before I noticed, returning the ball with a deep lob.

He goes back to the baseline, immediately returning it, again we are stuck into a rally. As long as I keep him from coming up, I should be able to handle him. Though, this fast pace rally is exhausting me.

How long has this rally lasted? 20 shots? 30? I'm not even sure anymore. I'm not sure if I can keep this going for long.

Dan-Elius: Don't give up.

His words are reaching me every time. Like he is trying to lift me up to continue. He has been snapping his fingers with his free hand, this time it is three snaps. Wait... something about him seems off. His posture is...

There it is again, what is this? He's not going for a slice, it's a fake. He's going for a drop shoot!

I start running before the ball is even hit. My body immediately reacts to what I see. I surprise even myself with how fast I went. I manage to reach the ball, I instinctively tap it over. Returning the drop shot with a drop shot. This time he is late reacting. When I look up, I see him unable to reach in time, standing. But his smile never falters, instead I see it expanding. *Bump-bump*

Almost like he is pleased with the outcome. He isn't running for the ball, almost like he knows he lost. The ball taps twice, scoring me the point.

Yuuichi: ...

Dan-Elius: ...

Mikado: ...

Everyone is silent. For just a second, it's like everyone's voices got stolen. No one dares to make even a sound.

Dan-Elius: *ahem*

Yuuichi: Ah... YES!

I lift my fist, punching the air with all my might. The crowd erupts in cheers, nearly making me deaf.

Dan-Elius: Heh...

Mikado: G... Game, Set, and Match won by Michimiya! 2-1!


Recommended song to play while reading: Windswept - Tennis Ace - YouTube. Provided by AtomXZR on YouTube.

Windswept - Tennis Ace

My body has already given up at this point... I can't move, let alone move my wrists. My legs hurt, it's like burning with fire. This was really intense. I notice coach talking to Qelgar-san... but he shakes his head and clear disappointment is in view of our coach. I wonder what he was asking.

I'm a wreck and can barely stand yet... I felt oddly satisfied. It took an hour for this match, and coach decided to call off the match since it was getting late. Still, there is a bit of mystery on Qelgar-san; he followed the match close to Morisaki-senpai. As for Sasaki-san, his footing and everything seemed more calculated and deliberate.

Almost like he planned those moves, it felt like I was watching a copy of their play style with Qelgar-san. Who is this guy?!

Yuuichi: Haah...

No use in overthinking it... Still, he didn't seem like a tennis player to me, yet...

Dan-Elius: Michimiya-san...

I turn to the side and hold my breath while sprawled on the bench. His body is glistening with sweat, yet it somehow reminds me of pearls. His body is not like ours, with fur. He is also chubby, it reminds me of Jun-kun. Though his speed and mobility, he has, told me that what his tummy holds is not fat for some reason.

He really moves fast, besides the way he looks... He seems more attractive and somehow cute... What I'm thinking?!

Dan-Elius: That was intense... it has been a really long time... since I did some kind of exercise intense like this... Hehe.

He said, panting and heaving from our match.

Yuuichi: No kidding, but I have to ask, do you play tennis?

Dan-Elius: N-No... This is my first time... but it comes with dancing... to follow what you see. Guh... I think I exceeded myself.

He seems to lose his balance for a bit. I start to worry.

Dan-Elius: I left my wallet on my gym bag, you might need to see it.

Yuuichi: Why?

I asked, worried. This is weird.

Dan-Elius: I-I think I... I'm about to faint...

Sure enough, Dan-Elius faints, while Yuuchi becomes worried and follows what he said. Jun also joins to try to help Dan-Elius stand up. When Yuuichi finds his wallet, he starts to look inside for something that might explain what was going on. Inside was a note saying something and directions to somewhere.

"In case I ever faint and someone finds this wallet with me, please leave me back in my apartment. This tends to happen when I overexert myself. I will be fine with a bit of rest, just make sure to tap the button close to my door when leaving. It might take some hours before I wake up again."

Jun and Yuuichi both decide to exit the tennis court and get Dan-Elius to his apartment. When they arrive, they find that the apartment is close to their house, though it will take some time to carry him all the way to his apartment located on the second floor. They take his body through the stairs, although with difficulty, and grab his keys on his gym bag.

When they open the door, they are a bit disappointed, noticing that the apartment where he lives isn't different from what they thought. Mostly because of what they heard during his introduction to the class. The living room and kitchen are fairly small. It looks modern, but it doesn't have a lot of decorations.

The living room consists of a small couch pointing to a plasma TV with a small stand and a coffee table. In the kitchen, there is a small island counter having two seats. The kitchen oven and electronics are fairly modern, Yuuichi finds himself curious about it. Enough to try to cook something for him.

But by doing so he finds the fridge with barely anything to cook, just some fruits, yogurt, eggs, and milk. Nothing to prepare something even simple... Simple in his eyes. Jun on the other hand had his curiosity in Dan-Elius's bedroom. A single bed where Dan-Elius was plopped down and resting.

His bed seemed normal, no new technology like they hoped to see or even vials or weird computers. It was fairly normal, actually his room seemed completely normal, typical of a Japanese college student. It was neatly tidy, completely clean and in order. No books thrown or clothes on the floor, not even a single wrapping from candy.

His room had multiple game collections, including limited edition figurines and a bookshelf with manga. Nothing, he would be surprised if it wasn't for a specific sculpture of a limited edition keyblade from a popular game. It was in a clear case locked with an electronic keypad. The same one that he would dress while going outside.

On the side of his bed there was a stand where a guitar was standing and looked used by the strings being dirty and some even rusty. It seemed that it also had some love, since there were stickers of multiple games that were limited. Other stickers would be from some bands that he himself went on to concerts.

Yuuichi and Jun felt a bit uncomfortable about looking around someone's place without noticing and wanting to know more about the stuff they saw. A noise startled both, noticing a clock on top of the Plasma TV, indicating that it was getting too late. When they approach the door, they both notice a note glued in the door.

"If whoever left me in the apartment happens to be what I call a Beastman, take the forms located in the kitchen counter. Make sure to sign the name on it, or you might get in trouble. Due to recent murders happening around the world, humans have their places secured with cameras and other special equipment that I can't reveal. For your safety and security, please sign your names."

Both decide to follow the instructions, finding some forms that ask about the time they arrived and the time they are about to leave. Their names, age, and where they found him when he fainted, including any information of when he fainted. The instructions were clear enough that both found it interesting and a bit worrying.

Also, the forms had instructions to be placed inside a tray where a strange light started scanning the paper, almost like a line passing through the paper. The paper seemed to disintegrate, and the information was gone with it. Both decided not to question what that machine did and decided to leave.

When they both start to leave, they remember the button and Yuuichi presses it. A beeping countdown started with a robotic voice. Both left the apartment and when they closed the door, a locking mechanism sounded with a voice giving their guests a farewell message. Leaving both wondering about the place they had just visited.

While going back to their place...

Jun-kun is walking next to me as we head home. Jun-kun and I ended up going home together after leaving Qelgar-san in his apartment. He and Jun-kun apparently live close by.

Jun: I thought I'd get to see a bunch of matches, but it ended up being just two sets. Well... counting, Dan-kun's match with you is three sets.

Dan-kun? Did he change his name or something?

Yuuichi: Didn't you watch Kei-kun's matches as well?

Jun: I did, but I couldn't pay attention to both matches at the same time, could I?

Jun: Plus, yours were more fun to watch, too. Still, I was really hoping you'd win that match against Morisaki-san. It was so close, too. Though I'm glad that Dan-kun helped you.

Yuuichi: Yeah, it was really heartbreaking to lose that one. But all in all, I had fun this week. Even with Qelgar-san and that was a surprise to be challenged by him.

Yuuichi: I felt like I was going to die more times than once, but I could feel the results of my training during the last part of it.

Jun-kun smiles at me.

Jun: It certainly is better to remain positive! My heart was beating so fast with excitement while I was watching your match!

I can't help but laugh. Jun-kun is so easy to get along with, he sets my mind at ease... for a bit. As long as I can deal with his bouts of excess energy, he is really nice to be around.

Yuuichi: Well, I did try my hardest, so I'd get the win against him.

Jun-kun laughs too.

Yuuichi: By the way, why do you call him Dan-kun?

(A bit of jealousy? Maybe... Who knows.)

Jun: Oh, well, he asked me to call him that way, since his name is a bit... weird.

Yuuichi: True... I never heard that name before, it almost seems...

Jun: Fantasy like?

Yuuichi: Y-Yes.

Jun: He told me he changed his actual name and family's last name, since his family never talked to him, apparently.

Jun says, while looking at the ground, a bit sad.

That picked my interest.

Yuuichi: Did he say why?

Jun: No... he didn't say. He seemed uncomfortable talking about it. I don't think his father and mother know he is here in Japan.

There seems a lot going on with him... We finally reached my house. I can't even begin to describe how relieved I am that my legs didn't give out on the way over.

Jun: Is this it?

Yuuichi: Yeah. Want to come in?

Jun: No, I'm fine. See you next week.

Yuuichi: See ya.

Yuuichi enters his house.

Ah, sweet AC. Thank God someone left it on. I drop my bag on the floor and immediately fall down on the couch. I'd like to go to my room, but there is no way my legs can carry me upstairs right now.

Akiyoshi: Home already and late?

Yuuichi: Hey, Aki... I'm exhausted. Could you grab a bottle of green tea?

Aki sighs.

(Akiyoshi Michimiya in casual clothing

(Akiyoshi Michimiya in casual clothing. Background is of Yuuichi's house living room. Taken from the VN. Art by nyaruh.)

Akiyoshi: I can... but I thought you hated green tea.

Yuuichi: I do... but I can't ignore that it helps my body relax and recover.

Akiyoshi: If you say so. Be right back.

I sit upright on the sofa and let myself relax. Aki hands me a small green bottle and sits next to me.

Akiyoshi: Is that special training of yours over?

Ah, sweet, refreshing liquids!

Yuuichi: Yeah. Senpai and the others have already left for America again.

Akiyoshi: Hmm... how did it go? Did you manage to win something on the last day?

Of course, I have been keeping Aki up-to-date on my daily scores.

Yuuichi: I got really close today, but couldn't really finish it well.

Akiyoshi: Aww... What was the score?

Yuuichi: 7-6, lost at tiebreak.

Akiyoshi: Ah, those suck...

Has he ever even played a tiebreak yet?

Yuuichi: By the way, I was challenged by someone after that.

Akiyoshi: Oh? Who was it?

Yuuichi: A new transfer student, who also happens to be a human.

Aki's eyes widened with surprise and excitement.

Akiyoshi: Really?! How did it go?

Yuuichi: I managed to win a set, though it was close, over the tiebreaker. The score was 2-1.

Aki's tail starts wagging, he seems excited by what he is hearing.

Akiyoshi: Really?! Wait... Why was the score so low?

Yuuichi: It was a friendly match, though we had to end it because it was getting late. Also, he... he didn't play tennis before.

Aki's interest peaked.

Akiyoshi: Huh?! So... how did he keep you enough for a tiebreaker?

Yuuichi: Well... he literally was playing like Morisaki-senpai and Sasaki-san. It was... weird, but it made me feel better.

Yuuichi: Also, he fainted after our match.

Akiyoshi: Oh no. Is he okay?

Yuuichi smiles after noticing his worried brother.

Yuuichi: Yes, he is fine, though we had to carry him to his home. It gave us a scare. Jun-kun and I were carrying him, even going to see his apartment.

Akiyoshi: He... lives alone?

Yuuichi sighs.

Yuuichi: It seems so, also there seems to be some futuristic technology in his apartment. We had to fill forms before leaving. It seems that the murder cases haven't stopped.

Yuuichi: His apartment was filled with cameras, apparently, even though we could not see them. The forms are for security and protection.

Yuuichi decides to change the topic.

Yuuichi: By the way, Aki, did you come home early?

Akiyoshi: Oh, I did. The club was closed today. They're using our court space to host a junior tournament.

Yuuichi: Oh. If I had known, I might have tried participating. Though that would be impossible considering how tired I am right now.

Aki looked at me in expectation.

Akiyoshi: So... Aniki, will you be able to come on Sunday?

(Aniki = It means older brother in Japanese.)


Ah, right. Aki's club is having a little gathering for the younger players' benefit.

Yuuichi: Sure, I'll go. I just can't promise I'll be able to do much. My whole body hurts.

Akiyoshi: It's fine. They probably will just ask you to show a few shots and that will be it. Really, it shouldn't take long.

Yuuichi: Okay. Then I guess I won't worry about it.

I gather my courage and decide to climb the stairs towards my bedroom.


Ah. I love my bed.

Just lying down on it, I can already feel myself getting drowsy. It's a good thing I showered before coming home...

(Dan-Elius Qelgar's POV.)

Date: April 8 (Saturday).

Ugh... I wake up in my bed, looking up at the ceiling.

Dan-Elius: Fuck, I overexerted myself again. I hope...

I look around, noticing that everything is in order. I click my stereo system to play some music. There is a song I love to hear reminding me of home. Even thought that is the title of the song. Sometimes I play it just to relax.

No need for consistency here, but you can play this song while reading. This is the song he is listening to: Home - Andrew York - YouTube.


I decide to grab something to eat. Again, another fruit salad with yogurt.

Dan-Elius: I really need to buy more food. Anyway... did they stay for a while or took something?

I got to my computer, pressing a button on the tower to turn it on. While I wait for it to turn completely on, I move to the bathroom and take a shower. Once I'm done, I put a code on the keypad of a statue. It makes a beeping noise and pulls some displays off the walls, including where my bed was, into a capsule.

I go over my computer and login with a 16 digit password. Eh... even with technology this advanced, computers can't actually decipher it fast. More when it uses symbols. My apartment isn't actually owned by the owner I had to buy it, including the lower floor since some things needed to be stored there.

I had to lie about not knowing about this technology, since it can be used against me, and the innocent victims of stasis. I'm not part of that, mostly a traveler of sorts. The use of adrenaline did tire me until I fainted, but if it was another kind of problem, I wouldn't faint that easily.

As for what is in my apartment? Well, just some chemicals aka "nutrients" and equipment that are for personal care. I don't need food, but to keep appearances I have to buy or eat. Even if I do not need to, I can still eat food. No, I'm not an android, more like a human with Nanites. They are part of why I can do some unnatural things.

Travel through space and time, or increase my perception of the world, creating an artificial slowdown. Or a better way to say it, a time dilatation. They aren't completely proof against stuff like I get hit with a teaser or electrocuted, they will fail and return to a sleeping state. This is where my bed capsule enters.

Most of the repairs are done inside and, including the chemical reactions needed to continue working even after days without returning to the capsule. Still, I need this capsule or else the bots will fail, and I can't activate my time dilatation or enter in fight-flight mode. As for energy... the unconventional method is to literally run electricity to my body.

Painful most of the time, but the critters require some kind of energy to work. In desperate occasions, I keep myself with something similar to a battery bank in my gym bag. The cables have connectors similar to what a doctor would put in some patients, almost like metal plates that touch the body.

Actually, it is like those portable electrical massages that send small shocks of electricity to relax or stimulate muscles. How do I know all of this? I... I just know what to do in case of failure or deadly cases. I honestly have no idea how I know what I know. Even the chemicals and machines are kind of a blur to me.

I can't understand the concept or what exactly I'm doing. Some things just come naturally, almost like I'm running into autopilot while checking the Nanites. But what I know is that basically they're robots inside my blood stream and organs providing with constant help to heal, and they make sure I stay alive.

As for the room... how did I get this equipment installed and ready to go once I arrived? Some government agencies helped. In exchange for some information, of course. I provided with more recent discoveries of what I know as CRISPR. Not a lot I could say, only a few things they could look at and the "predictions" I was given about this timeline.

(CRISPR = Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats. They are the hallmark of a bacterial defense system that forms the basis for CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technology. In short: Edits genes by precisely cutting DNA and then letting natural DNA repair processes to take over.)

To explain it... I can see different versions of reality, and some of which have a version of me learning that stuff. I can take memories or fragments from those timelines and use them for my benefit. The disadvantage of it is that no matter how I look at other timelines. The one I'm on is completely different and results can be different.

Nothing I do will be equal to other timelines. It breaks the laws we use for reality but, it doesn't affect us at all. Well, in the way of what would happen if a version of me traveled to my same timeline and tried to touch me. That alone can create the Big Bang Theory itself.

It is a ball of yarn to decipher, but it actually makes life interesting for a bit. My purpose is... still unknown to me. I know about saving people, but who they are? That is unknown to me. I can't look at the timelines to see what I need to do or who they are. I just see a void if I do.

Dan-Elius: Alright now let's check the video recordings...

I notice both moving around my apartment, one of which are basically my room and the other is the kitchen. My kitchen is the same as any other, besides the new kitchenware that had been recently released to the public. Other than that, it is just a normal kitchen.

Dan-Elius: Oh... It seems he noticed the lack of food on the fridge. I mean, I need to buy more vegetables and even meat. Just... I don't need to eat. But it is better to keep appearances.

Dan-Elius: Let see what he put on his file.

I pull the file that was digitalized into my database. No files have a lot of sensitive information besides their name and age. Other than that, they are just normal forms that just ask what happen to me while I was unconscious.


Huh... strange but interesting. Not much but... Well... Really? He is 18 years old? Let's see...

Ah! So he is one of those kind of players, one that people believe to be the future star of their sport of preference. Wow... he has some fans too, some seem obsessed with him... I see... Huh... that is why he was training, I guess.

"Yuuichi Michimiya, one of the Rising Stars in Japan. Has recently seen a decrease in the matches and has been suffering with burn out. There are a few who say that he would not recover to be able to continue tennis. Other believe he will recover, while there is no concrete evidence that he will improve. At the moment, he seems to be decreasing in his performance compared when he was younger..."

Let's see a bit more... Oh... Oh, no. I might have to keep this to myself.

"Interesting fact: Ken Michimiya, father of the future raising star of tennis Yuuichi Michimiya, was a victim of a hit-and-run incident..."

I look at the dates and... this... this happened 12 years ago? I might have to... keep this to myself until he feels comfortable to talk about it. I think this is more of an invasion of privacy but at the same time... it is on the internet.

Huh... An article about his last play... Wait, that was inside the Academy grounds, how they knew they played together or against each other?

"Yuuichi Michimiya and Keisuke Urushihara had been in an intense training, both rivals and friends inside their club seem to have a competition both being constantly put against each other to improve their play in Tennis."

Let's see more about this Keisuke Urushihara...


Wow... so he is a multimillionaire? God, even they have their own corporation.

 so he is a multimillionaire? God, even they have their own corporation

(Keisuke Urushihara in casual clothing. Art by nyaruh.)

"Keisuke Urushihara was already a very discussed name in the media, as the young aspiring athlete is also the heir of the multimillionaire Urushihara Corporation. While he has been toiling behind Michimiya for a while, we have seen some steady climb in his National Rank, and many believe he might soon make a breakthrough."

Dan-Elius: Interesting... There is more to the group at first glance.

"Urushihara's style is based around strategy and analysis, and many have compared his superior tactic to Japan's #1 player, Takagi Tanabe, who's stayed as number one in Japan for the past three years..."


Dan-Elius: I wonder where all the information I provided of technology went to. Probably to Urushihara's company... They seem to have a monopoly in technology. I hope they don't use the knowledge I provided against me.

I decide to take at look at Jun-kun's form.


He is older than Michimiya-san... His age doesn't seem to correlate with the way he looks and acts. He seems like someone that is 16-years-old, but he is 19-years-old.

Wow, he seems to appear in multiple piano competitions. I guess he truly has been playing piano for a while. Though... it seems that he stopped, I wonder...


Not a lot to know about him...

I wonder about Shoichi Urata...


Aha! An article.

"Scouts will want to be keeping an eye on 18-year-old Shoichi Urata, who should be graduating from High School this year. Urata has become well known as one of Japan's best setters, and has received the Saitama Best Setter award three times in a row already. Urata's superior precision as a setter, coupled with a varied offensive repertoire, make him the foundation of his team's attack..."

Huh, it seems his volleyball position is really up there. Interesting, he seems like Yuuichi, but there seems to be something more going on between the two.


Nothing new or well that I find intriguing...

(I decided not to include information on Saya Mizoguchi since there is not a lot of information or history behind her character... at least for now 03/28/2023. There might be more once I think of something to fill that part with her life. Though it might take months of waiting to get something close.)

I stretch a bit, yawning, then look at my nightstand where a clock with red light is telling the hour to find that is getting late.

Dan-Elius: Shoot, I haven't been able to buy or eat... I don't need to, but... it feels weird to not do so now that I'm starting to get my taste buds back.

I start closing the files on my computer, including the browser and other programs I was using. Turn off the computer and press a button on the side of the bed capsule. It starts to hide almost all the screens and other electronics behind walls and floors. The only thing left is my bed capsule and a small screen that would show vital signs.

I enter a number on the side of my bedroom door and exit the door. Once I cross the secure threshold, the door closes and locks, with lights appearing in front of it.

Dan-Elius: Next stop, the supermarket.

I grab my keys and take my car out. Not a fancy car, just... A 2018 Honda Odyssey Touring, Reliable and adaptable to the road. (Cheapest one on today's market is $37,998 USD. With 34K miles as of 04/02/2023.) Why do I have a minivan? I used to drive one when my father started teaching me to drive. Just... going with something I'm familiar with.


I arrive back at my apartment and notice I have a notification on my phone. Noticing the name, I'm happy that I got a message.

Dan-Elius: Oh. It has been quite a while since I talked to him...

I save my groceries, though I have no idea where to buy meats. I need some fresh if I want to cook something elaborate. Normally I would eat food from my roots, but some foods are a bit hard to make and use meat, fish, or chicken. Besides the required spiciness on some foods. Maybe because my mother used to like spicy food.

I decide to take the rest of the day catching up with him. The last time we talked was when he was allowed in one of the camps that the studies were done. Not many were allowed, but it provided a bit of socialization with the ones that exited stasis. In my case, my French friend visited by request of someone.

I can't remember what it was for, but it had to do with his brother and loosing a bet. With time, we became friends, and we have been keeping in contact since then. Well... not fully in contact since I couldn't when I was getting tested and had to study. Some months before I was in Japan, I commissioned a phone for myself.

Then with a new number, I added him to my phone, and we started talking again. For a time we couldn't keep contact due to what was going on with our lives, and it seems that he also was doing something. After finishing some text messages with my friend, I start preparing for the night.

I make something simple, rice with beans. Though, the beans are cooked in a crock pot. Traditions, traditions... My mother used to make it when she could not cook for us. It normally gets accompanied by sour cream and cheese as compliments to give it a different flavor.

The differences are that the sour cream is done in Mexican style, and the kind of cheese is a crumbling cheese or if you don't have access to "queso fresco". You can add grated cottage cheese, the kind that is solid. By the time my food is ready, I exited the shower ready to eat.

I check the beans, what my mother used to call "frijoles de olla". Just beans with water, sometimes she would crush them to make "frijoles refritos". Those are similar to the beans in cans or the ones you get to see for dips. There is no definitive how to make them, just that some cultures add different spices.

I grab a plate from my kitchen cabinets and serve myself. The beans will take a bit more to cool down, I need to save them in the fridge or else they can go bad. But because I might not eat them all the time, I will freeze some in zip bags. Once I was done, I start doing and saving the food I prepared. Then I set an alarm for 8 A.M and undress to enter my bed capsule.

Once it closes, a respiratory mask is put on my face. I adjust it and once I confirm with a tap in the display on the side of me. The thing starts pouring a liquid around me. Once it is filled up, I start drifting to sleep while the Nanites start to recharge and some get repaired for possible constant chemical exposure in my body.

When I start drifting I feel like I'm floating in the sky and soon the fatigue on my body starts to win. Making me fall asleep faster than expected.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-={ End of chapter 1 }=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

End of chapter 1, Days 1 and 2 of introduction. Day 3 of the original story.

The story will slowly change drastically and will separate on day 3 of Dan-Elius's route. Next chapter is: Chapter 2: The first group outing.